Woman Loses It on Man Trying to Reverse in Her Driveway
Common human decency ain’t as common as you’d think.
For some people, being lucky enough and wealthy enough to have property isn’t, well, enough. They need to not only become fiercely protective of what they’ve got, but become a real asshole if anyone dares encroach on their space.
Occasionally, that breaking point can be reached by simply pulling into their driveway. If most of us look out the window and see someone reversing in our driveway, we just shrug our shoulders and carry on our merry way. For these tyrants, entering a driveway is a personal affront, and as this woman shows, they’ll scream to the high heavens to get you to leave.
#Karen tells delivery driver to leave and not turn around there. She almost gets run over in the process. #karensgonewild #Crazykaren #freakout #publicfreakout pic.twitter.com/bh7xfMkZnE
— Karen. (@karen_hard) July 30, 2023